CPSARC Summits on the Air (SOTA) activation

The path is quite steep but there are no other ascent option. We are in no hurry to reach the top and we certainly do not want to be breathless on arrival, so the ascent will be slow and steady. It may be muddy. I suggest boots or stout shoes for walking up North Berwick Law, a warm and waterproof jacket and hat, portable and battery-operated radio kit, something to sit on – a camping mat or even a picnic chair is ideal but remember you must carry it both up and down the hill. Perhaps put everything in a rucksack and use walking poles if you have them, as they can also be used to secure an antenna wire.
We plan to spend a couple of hours on top using the radios. Everyone should bring a handie as there have been over one hundred 2 metre QSOs and a few on 70cms. The antenna folk might use for the 144MHz DF Fox Hunt event the week before would be portable and easily good enough.
If any CPSARC members do not plan to climb North Berwick Law, it would be good if they were on-air that evening on 2m or 70cms so we can make plenty of contacts. My own visit was on 19th May 2013 and I made 8 QSOs on 2m, 5 of them with other SOTA activators on a summit in both Scotland and one in the Lake District in England.
On the SOTA website (https://summits.sota.org.uk/activity/GM/SS-280) there have been 58 occasions recorded when radio hams have broadcast from the top (16/4/2024), so it is a reliable radio summit. 
If anyone has battery operated portable HF radio gear and a suitable lightweight antenna, then please bring them along and we will see how many different bands we can use during the evening.
If the weather is not fine, there are areas where we can shelter from the rain or wind after setting up an HF antenna. But let us hope for good weather and good DX. 
If anyone has any questions, please get in touch; colwyn.jones@hotmail.com
See you on 28th May.
Colwyn (MM0YCJ)