John Innes

Author's posts

GM2T IOTA Contest

Club Night – Friday – 28 June

CLUB NIGHT THIS FRIDAY 28th JUNE – Thorntree Inn @ 19:00It is the Seventh Club Night of 2024. Hope you will try to come along and make this a bumper Club NIGHT. We are a week early as most of us will be away on the 5th July to VHF Field Day down at Castle Douglas I …

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Club Night – Friday 7th June

It is the SIXTH Club Night of 2024.  Hope you will try to come along and make this a bumper Club NIGHT.  I know some of you are still wary, but it would be still great to see you back. If there are any changes to the above we’ll let you know via Facebook

CPSARC Summits on the Air (SOTA) activation

18:00 hours on Tuesday 28th May 2024 North Berwick Law North Berwick Law (GM/SS-280) is a fine SOTA peak! The peak is modest at 178 metres high, and the western car park is about 40 metres ASL. So, there is a 138-metre vertical distance to climb. Meet at the North Berwick Law car park; UK …

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DF Hunt Photos

Elements 202405

Blackpool Rally

Elements 202404

Elements 202403

24 Radio Test Night