Radio Check Night 11 February 2025

We will be running one of our popular Radio Check Nights where Cambel MM0DXC and John MM0JXI will bring along their test equipment so club members can have their radios checked out.

We can test just about anything you can throw at us, giving you a record of output power, frequency stability, recieve sensitivity, spectrum purity and a raft of other parameters.

The venue is the Royal British Legion in Cockenzie from 7.30pm

Cost is £2 per member as normal

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Club Night 7 February 2025

The January club night will take place on 7 February in the Thorntree Inn in Cockenzie from 7pm onwards

We’ll be in the lounge bar unless there’s a quiz night going on. If that’s the case we’ll be in the main bar.

We invite members to pay £2 per night to support the club’s expenses, you can pay cash on the night or use the paypal link on the website. You are also welcome to pay for the whole year at once (£24).

Club Night 10 January 2025

The January club night will take place on 10 January in the Thorntree Inn in Cockenzie from 7pm onwards

We’ll be in the lounge bar unless there’s a quiz night going on. If that’s the case we’ll be in the main bar.

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CW Training paused

Due to Bob’s illness we have decided to pause the morse training until March when hopefully we will be in a position to re-start it.

Construction Night

We are holding another Construction Night on Tuesday 12 November from 19.00

The location is the Cockenzie British Legion

Admission is £2 cash or paypal

Bring your own kit to assemble, remember your tools although we will have tools and soldering irons available.

Club Night – Friday 1 November 2024 from 19.00

CLUB NIGHT THIS FRIDAY 41st NOVEMBER – Thorntree Inn @ 19:00
It is the Eleventh Club Night of 2024. Hope you will try to come along and make this a bumper Club NIGHT
I know some of you are still wary, but it would be still great to see you back. If there are any changes to the above, I will send out an email and a post on the CPSARC Facebook Page.

We will be in the Lounge Bar unless the lounge is in use for the quiz or another event then we will be in the Public Bar at the Rear

Everyone is welcome, we dont have membership fees but you are invited to make a donation of £2 to help cover our costs, you can pay cash on the night or use the Paypal link on the website

Club Night – Friday 4th October

CLUB NIGHT THIS FRIDAY 4th OOCTOBER – Thorntree Inn @ 19:00
It is the Tenth Club Night of 2024. Hope you will try to come along and make this a bumper Club NIGHT

I know some of you are still wary, but it would be still great to see you back. If there are any changes to the above , I will send out an email and a post on the CPSARC Facebook Page.

** Note – As far as I can see the THORNTREE QUIZ NIGHT is not on this FRIDAY -so we will be in the Lounge Bar if NOT in the Lounge Bar we will be in the Public Bar at the Rear

Many thanks for supporting the Radio Club throughout these challenging times it is so appreciated.
Look forward to “Seeing” you on Friday

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