CLUB NIGHT THIS FRIDAY 3rd MAY – Thorntree Inn @ 19:00
It is the Fifth Club Night of 2024.Hope you will try to come along and make this a bumper Club NIGHT. I know some of you are still wary, but it would be still great to see you back. If there are any changes to the above , I will send out an email and a post on the CPSARC Facebook Page.
** Note – As far as I can see the THORNTREE QUIZ NIGHT is not on this FRIDAY — YIPEEEEE so will be in the Lounge Bar if NOT in the Lounge Bar we will be in the Public Bar at the Rear
May 03
Club Night
Apr 29
VHF Field Day
VHF Field Day 2024 – Sat 6th/Sun 7th July
Hi folks, it’s time to start planning for this year’s entry for VHF Field Day.
Usual format – travel down to our site near Castle Douglas on the Friday, leaving Tranent at lunchtime. We should have most of the antenna farm assembled by late afternoon, then we get a takeaway and have a few beers.
Station build is usually finished off Saturday morning and the contest runs 3pm Saturday to 3pm Sunday. We should be off the site and heading home back of 4.
All being well, we should get back to a full entry this year, with stations:
50MHz (Sat)
70MHz (Sun)
144MHz (24hrs)
432MHz (24hrs)
I’ll have a large box van on hire for our shack, and we should also have the usual large tent on site for others not on the radio.
If you’ve not been before and have any questions, please contact me direct.
If you are planning to attend, would you mind letting me know, either on Facebook or by email mm0ccc <at>